
HangryBrand is an outdoor, experience driven lifestyle.

The combination of the adjective 'Hungry' and the adverb 'Angry' yields what "proper" English calls too primitive sounding a verb, Hangry. Primitive, as in how we consider those ancestors who came before us. That although their environment was different, their brains were exactly the same as ours.

Primitive, as if our descendants 500 or 1,000, and certainly 10,000 years from now won't think that's exactly what we were. To that ironic end we embrace this notion of a primitive vernacular.

Furthermore, HangryBrand is that Hunger for a life lived with intention and excitement. HangryBrand, is that Anger, a fire in your belly for never having done it soon enough.

Adventure, newness, and nuance is life itself: And that's what HangryBrand represents and always will.

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